Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Did Man Create Hell?


There is an incredible online Encyclopedia of Death and Dying. If you haven't discovered it yet, access From A to Z, every possible topic within the field is covered and in-depth. Highly recommended. There is another project, called "Thanatology Online," that is still in-process at this writing. Should you want to inquire, contact Bryan Voell, 606 W. Park Avenue, #15, Champaign, IL 61820.

Be sure to read my Press Release entitled "Is Inducing Out-of-Body Experiences for Real?" This is my reply to "Science Journal" of 8-24-07 and their article about two neuroscientists who claimed to have induced out-of-body experiences in volunteers who participated in laboratory experiments. Their findings, although intriguing, actually match the criteria and experience of doppelgangers (double-walkers), rather than that of out-of-body experiences, especially in regards to the near-death experience. Doppelganger, in case you didn't know, is the term applied to the appearance of one's "ghostly double" or counterpart.


"Hey, I love your website! It is very informative and credible! Well, my question to you is why do people have near-death experiences with the devil and hell when they never believed in hell? I tend to believe the new age belief system that what you expect will happen to you. I also believe hell is an illusion. God never created hell. Man created hell with man's own free will. Is it because of the fact that everyone has been exposed to the doctrine of hell, and it is in the back of everyone's mind? Like maybe, for the always worried maybe there really is a hell, etc. Or, they just got that near death to learn not to live a sinful life."...Alex


Well, dear Alex, where the near-death phenomenon is concerned, hellish, distressing, or uncomfortable episodes are just as valid as the heavenly or pleasant ones. Both are real, and people go there, even children.

If we just consider the typical metaphysical "doctrine," or what you call "New Age," the idea of hell makes no sense and seems a violation of what we know to be true. This subject gets even more tricky when we realize that some people who have nightmarish near-death episodes come back so uplifted and positive as a result of them, that they are convinced we all have a second chance and that life itself is very much worth living. Many are aglow afterward - while some people who have wondrous, beautiful and inspiring episodes can come back angry and upset that they ever had such a thing, that an experience like this could ever intrude upon their life. As a result, these people can wind up lost in grief.

You can't call it.

You can't lean on any scripture or dictum or New Age psychobabble or revelations from any guru, abbot, seer, or priest.

You just can't call it, make any sense of it, until you back away and take another look. And I did just that in my book "We Live Forever: The Real Truth About Death" (A.R.E. Press, Virginia Beach, VA, 2004). I suggest you get a copy.

After all the thousands of people I have had sessions with, I have come to realize a few things: that our adventures on the other side of death are open-ended (there is no top or bottom), that there are levels to both ends (hellish and heavenly), that these levels seem separated only by frequencies of vibration, that we go to whatever level matches our vibration when we die, and we stay there (at that level) for as long as we "need" to be there, before we move on. The full description of what I have discovered and others as well is in the book.

Another thing I've learned over the three decades I have been doing this research - is that very few people are in touch with what they really, really believe deep down inside themselves. It's that core vibration that tells the tale, not what we claim.

In that regard, the spiritual axiom "Know Thyself" is more important than what any revelator or "expert" might say. Many blessings, PMH


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